Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Failing CSP - A Great Learning Experience

A week before I went to Marshall Islands for a tour-of-duty (TDY) job, I took a week-training on Industrial Security at Bayview Hotel Manila.

On the last day we took an exam to qualify as a Certified Security Professional. The following weekend, we did a security survey and presented it as part of the requirements to be certified by PSIS.

The Philippine Society for Industrial Security (PSIS) used to be the Philippine chapter of ASIS (American Society for Industrial Security) but after years of its reliance, with the extensive growth of locals adhering to security profession and company security needs, PSIS became an independent Institution for security professionals who want to improve their knowledge and skills on vital security concepts but still following the American standards.

The exam is composed of 220 questions, 20 each from 11 security concepts with a passing score of 165 plus the security survey presentation by individuals. Unfortunately, I failed the written exam but my presentation is one of the best score but wasn’t enough to carry my written one. It wasn’t hard for me to accept my failure because my work is primarily on a single concept which is computer security but nonetheless, I learned a lot from this training.

Out of 40 only 15 passed and most of my batchmates already took their retake but I was in Singapore at that time. I’ll be taking mine this August and I hope to pass it this time. I took this training in preparation for CISSP which is my ultimate goal this year and that is different story…

I highly recommend this training for you who are in the security profession or would want to venture in security business. Very interesting topics, expert resource speakers and good food…

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